Elephant Feed Treat Bags DIY

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This tutorial is for our Elephant Feed Treat Bags as seen on our Vintage Circus Dessert Table. We want to share with you this easy and cute as pie tutorial to create a simple and fun treat bag for your party guests to take home and enjoy! This particular bag was inspired by a vintage circus themed party we planned for our son's 2nd birthday a few weeks ago.

Here's the deal, this is so easy it's gonna blow your mind.

For this project you will need several very easy to find items available at Walmart.


Step One: Trim

Use either your edging scissors or your regular scissors to trim the paper lunch bags in about half. We suppose you could also just carefully tear them across if you want a more rugged look as well.

Tear off as many tickets as you will need from the roll.

Step Two: Hole Punchn'

Punch a hole into each of the four corners of the bag about an inch away from the top. This will be where you thread your twine. Punch one hole in each ticket as well.

Step Three: Threading

Cut a piece of twine for each lunch bag. We made ours about 12 inches long. Open you bags up and carfully wind a piece of twine through each hole all the way around the bag just like you would with putting on a belt. That's right, we are belting our bags. Fancy.


Step Four: Accessorizing

Every bag needs a little bling with its new belt. Thread a ticket onto the twine in the front of the bag where the two ends meet. Then lightly and carefully tie a loose knot so that the twine doesn't release easily and let the ticket slip off. 

Step Five: Personalizing

If you choose to you could write your guest names on each bag, or maybe even stamp them on with some plain black ink and an alphabet stamp kit. The possibilitites are really endless for these little bags.

They will thank you for their new found glory, no longer are they be pre-destined to hold soggy sandwiches and warm fruit cups!