This week on Pinterest we are spying all sorts of pale pink and white sweet treats. In fact, these little gems have sparked a new Dessert Table idea which we will be posting soon so stay tuned for that :)
Strawberry Cardamom Cupcakes from Call Me Cupcake
We are loving the tiny pink ribbons wrapped around these cupcakes. Of course the sugar flowers are beautiful too. The ribbon says, "tiny precious sweet cupcake goodness here, eat me!" We are huge fans of Call Me Cupcake. Her blog is to-die-for amazing. The most beautiful desserts and delicious recipes. Can you say hooked?
Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Meringues from
Oh sweet and delicate pink meringue rosettes, won't you be mine?
Sugared Doughnut Cake from HGTVIt is amazing how something so simple can make such a great impression. This stacked powdered doughnut cake is so easy on the eyes and easy on the preparation. (Win!) We will be making our own, oh yes we will.
As always, join us on our Pinterest page to see what we are Pin-terested In. Seriously, if you aren't on there yet you are missing something quite fun. It is the best new social media experience :)