Sneak Peek: Retro Space Rocket Ships & Ray-guns Party


Wikipedia defines “Retro-Futurism” as a trend in the creative arts showing the influence of depictions of the future produced prior to about 1960. Basically this coincides around the same time that The United States stopped dreaming about the future, IMO. This extremely eloquent individual seems to agree with that sentiment as well: 



I apologize to everyone if this might be coming off as a rant about ideologies, and it’s not, just the opinion of someone who still dreams big, but politics and reality keep getting in the way and won’t stop being annoying! Breathe…In through your nose, out through your mouth…3 seconds in, 3 seconds out..

Retro Rocketships and Rayguns flying car

Okay I have successfully “enhanced my calm” (+1 Internets to anyone who leaves a comment on what movie that quote is from). I’m going to channel my quasi-negative energies into this blog post and the resulting awesome retro-futuristic themed dessert table that will unfold before your very eyes. It does, however, still bug the crap out of me that we as a species STILL don’t have personal rocket packs. Don’t even get me started on the flying car. Alas, it was not meant to be… But you know what was? Hello My Sweet’s spectacularly Retro Rockets & Rayguns themed dessert table, that’s what!

I have to admit, I was really super excited about designing this table, so much in fact that I started to build props of rocket packs and intergalactic rocket ships before I had even finalized the design of the table. It’s like the inner kid in me came out and didn’t want to go back to adult land and actually start to shape this table into a cohesive look. After gazing upon our dessert table it’s my hope that it too will let your mind wander off and you inner child come out to play, soaring through the cosmos to dispatch evil robot villains with our rayguns, even if just for a little bit! ‘Cause if the world needs anything, it’s a little more dreaming… So after watching the 1980 Dino De Laurentiis rendition of Flash Gordon and another cult classic, 1956’s Forbidden Planet, I had plenty of ideas just swirling around my noggin. I decided upon a more retro look akin to When Worlds Collide, after a disastrous accident with the first version of my rocket ship prop/centerpiece.

Retro Rocketships and Rayguns ships

As I said earlier I had finished it so early that it was just perched precariously atop our refrigerator and met with untimely death on our kitchen floor. After ditching the Flash Gordon-esque look, I eventually went with more of a traditional rocket look.

 All the awesome party details will be posted this weekend, so be sure to check back in with us! We’ll go over the printables, food and some really cool ways to keep your young party guests entertained!

Featured Parties: Lachlan's Vintage Circus Carnival Birthday

Good morning everyone!

Quite often we send out a set of printable birthday party decor to a customer, customized and read y to go for their special event, but we never hear back on how it went. We would love to receive photos and information regarding the products we sell. We want to be sure that everything has worked out well and that you are satisfied!

The party we are about to show you is from our Vintage Circus Carnival collection. This was our very first printable set up in the Etsy shop and was very popular last year. We even used it for our own son’s 2nd birthday party! (click here to see it) 

This party however, was for a special little man named Lachlan. His mother Elesha contacted us about the printables on Etsy, very excited to make it a grand affair and fun for all ages. We think it turned our spectacular and are sure the kids had an amazing time!

Here are all the party details as told by Lachlans’s mom, Elesha!

  • The circus peanuts, cherry sours and candy buttons were from
  • The popcorn stripey bags, clear cotton candy bags and tissue paper were from Hobby Lobby.
  • Party Favors, game prizes, ducks, clown noses and wig, and big swirly lollipops were from orientaltrading .com
  • The crazy straws, game prizes, lions and tigers, and sunglasses were from the Dollar Tree
  • The popcorn boxes were from
  • The red stripey straws were from
  • Lachlan’s Elephant Shirt was from
  • Lachlan’s Clown Shirt was from Vintagelucy’
  • We made the coloring books.
  • Party Favors and the crayons came from Target.
  • I made the balloon wreath and covered the “5” with glitter, the 5 came from Hobby Lobby.
  • I made Lachlan’s shirt.

 If you are interested in purchasing this printable decor for your Vintage Circus or Vintage Carnival party we would love for you to visit our shop right here! And be sure to come back and show us some pictures!

Star Wars Party Printables Giveaway



We’ve decided to give away our funfabulous set of Star Wars Clone Wars Printables, with customized text to suit your party needs, to one lucky commenter this week! 

You can also purchase a custom set of our Star Wars Clone Wars themed party printable set and dessert table decor in our Etsy shop here!

This complete set includes:
  • *2 Decorative Patterned Paper Designs
  • *5x7” Invitation (customized with your party info)
  • *2” Decor Character Cupcake/Straw Toppers
  • *5” Decor Character Signs
  • *4” Dessert Tags (customized with your party details, food, etc., as many as you require)
  • *2 Decorative Patterned Cupcake Wrapper Designs
  • *6.5” Bottle Labels (customized with your party details, as many as you require)
  • *11x17” (Large) Sign (customized with your party details, as many as you require)
  • *8x10” (Medium) Sign (customized with your party details, as many as you require)
  • *6.5” Birthday Banner Tags (one for each letter customized with your party details)

THE PRIZE: A complete set of printable Star Wars Clone Wars Party Decor from Hello My Sweet

HOW TO ENTER: Pin one of our Star Wars Party photos in this post to your Pinterest account, then come back and comment on this post with the words “MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU” and share who is lucky enough to have you throw a Star Wars party for them! (If you do not have a Pinterest account, that’s ok! Visit our Facebook Page, click “Like” and then share our Star Wars Party Post on your Facebook page.)

CONTEST ENDS: Monday, November 7th at 9pm EST



RULES: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using and announced as an update to this post. So come on back here on Tuesday morning, November 8th, for the announcement of the winner. Happy commenting!

You will receive: one PDF file via email in which you may print the included pages as many times as needed in order to have the desired quantity of decorations. This prize will take about 4-5 days to customize and distribute to you!