Fun times…
As with almost all of our endeavors we started a Pinterest board, which you can see here. I then set out to our local prop stores, and if you read our blog, by prop stores you know that I mean Dollar Tree and Wal-Mart. I know what you’re thinking… But if we had a Jamali Garden, Crate & Barrel, or Hobby Lobby maybe I wouldn’t have to aim so low. ***UPDATE*** Oh snap! Heather and I have found out that we do in fact have a Hobby Lobby in the Danville, VA area and that if it were possible to live in a department store, this would be our choice!
Any who, back to the board! Heather and I knew that there were specific elements that we wanted to incorporate. Heather wanted to do a ruffled crepe paper backdrop with puffy felt clouds and those ingenious rainbow colored pancakes. Oh did I mention that this was a breakfast-slash-dessert table? Oops, that would be my bad, as the kiddies say. Yep, so breakfast… Pancakes, eggs, grits (it IS the south after all), biscuits, bacon (Heather will NOT accept any job unless this is present in some way), a medley of fresh fruit, fruit dip, cupcakes and one smash cake for the birthday girl. Coffee for the ‘ol timers, orange juice for the kiddies, with mimosas and Kahlua for everyone else rounding out the menu.