Coffee Filter Number DecorationLately I’ve been drawn to the coffee filter decorating trend. I have really wanted to come up with something cool for a party utilizing them but I just can’t decide how to yet. Pinterest certainly has an abundance of ideas, these are a few of my favorites so far.
Up above is a huge number for a birthday celebration from the Lowes Home Improvement website. I had no idea Lowes was so crafty these days, but I really love this idea!
Coffee Filter WreathA Bowl Full of Lemons shows us how to make this really cool wreath that is perfect for fall and winter. This could even be a great gift for Christmas if you like to make what you give out. I wouldn’t mind having one of these on my door this year.
Coffee Filter GarlandI think I might actually go in this direction. I love the simplicity of this garland I spotted from 100 Layer Cake. They had it featured in a wedding they covered last fall, and there is just something about it that I love. It’s kind of frilly but not too fussy, feminine without the pink and girliness.
Have you ever made anything out of coffee filters? What did you make and how did it turn out?